Custom Attributes / Filters on Category Pages

Custom Attributes / Filters on Category Pages

Creating your own product attributes will help your customers find the most suitable product quickly using the onsite category filters (facets). If the products being displayed have attributes associated with them we'll helpfully show the available filters to your customer.

Creating Attributes / Filters

To start creating the new attributes you need first to visit the settings area (as a superuser) and create them. Here you're just creating the category name of your attribute, for instance, "Flavour" or "Frame Material" in the example above. You can also choose the order you wish them to display and if you want to display them or not. If you do not display them they will not show to the users of the site until you have finished your attribution process.

Your newly created attributes will now show in a new tab when editing a product.

Adding Attributes/ Filters to Products

To add an attribute you simply edit a product in the normal way and choose the "Attributes / Filters" tab. This will then present you with all the attributes you have created. You can then optionally create new values. It's important to remember to click the word you have typed to insert it into the box. Any previously used attributes will also show to prevent accidental duplicates from being created.

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