How to remove a product from the website

This is for Ascend retailers only - if you use a different EPOS then please stop reading as this will not be relevant to your site.
- Look at the product in admin - is "YOUR ID" 0?

If yes, continue to the next step
If no, skip to step 5 - This product comes from your SDM selections
Do you want to remove just this specific product, or everything from this brand and category?
If just removing the specific product, go to the next step
Otherwise, skip to step 4 - Tick prevent feed overwrite and deactivate the product in Push, then skip to step 6.
Important! You must tick prevent product feed overwrite, otherwise the product will be re-enabled overnight by the SDM
- Untick the category in the SDM, then skip to step 6.
- Whether the product is active / inactive is controlled by Ascend. The only way to remove it from the website is to untick eCommerce on Ascend. Depending on when the product was deactivated on Ascend it will be removed from your website tonight or the following night.
- You have completed this guide on removing products! 🎉